This reference is for Processing 2.0+. If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. If you prefer a more technical reference, visit the Processing Javadoc.
Name |
FloatDict |
Examples |
FloatDict inventory;
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
inventory = new FloatDict();
void draw() {
float weight = inventory.get("coffee");
text(weight, width/2, height/2);
Description |
A simple class to use a String as a lookup for an float value. String "keys" are associated with floating-point values.
Methods |
size() |
Returns the number of key/value pairs |
clear() |
Remove all entries |
keys() |
Return the internal array being used to store the keys |
keyArray() |
Return a copy of the internal keys array |
values() |
Return the internal array being used to store the values |
valueArray() |
Create a new array and copy each of the values into it |
get() |
Return a value for the specified key |
set() |
Create a new key/value pair or change the value of one |
hasKey() |
Check if a key is a part of the data structure |
add() |
Add to a value |
sub() |
Subtract from a value |
mult() |
Multiply a value |
div() |
Divide a value |
remove() |
Remove a key/value pair |
sortKeys() |
Sort the keys alphabetically |
sortKeysReverse() |
Sort the keys alphabetially in reverse |
sortValues() |
Sort by values in ascending order |
sortValuesReverse() |
Sort by values in descending order |
Constructor | FloatDict()
Related | IntDict
Updated on May 19, 2014 05:30:03pm PDT