CS 110 Assignment Submission Instructions

With all assignments, please hand in (1) a hard-copy document and (2) a sketch folder containing your source code that was submitted electronically using Dropbox.

Follow the steps described below to submit your assignment.

Note that these items must be completed before class begins on the date the assignment is due.  It is entirely your responsibility to ensure that your work is submitted appropriately by the due date. Failure to do so will result in loss of credit for the assignment under the course late policy.

Step 1:  Source Code Header Comments

Add the following lines to the top of your source code files, with the appropriate assignment number, name, email address and date of submission.

* Assignment ##
* Name: your name
* E-mail: your school e-mail
* Course: CS 110 - Section ##
* Submitted: The date your submitted the assignment
* A description of the file contents.

Step 2:  Name your file and folders appropriately

Please choose a name for all files and sketch folders that starts with the word sketch followed by a two digit assignment number and your email id. For example, if my email address is jsmith and I am submitting one Word file and one Processing sketch folder as part of my first assignment, I would name the file sketch01jsmith.docx and name the sketch sketch01jsmith.

Yes, you must follow this naming convention for all submissions.

Note that your sketch folder should contain a document that includes the following:

  1. One or two sentences that characterize the sketch.
  2. A short paragraph describing the sketch's implementation. Highlight the distinctive features or techniques used.
  3. The complete, commented source code for your sketch.

Step 3:  Submitting files using Dropbox

All assignment documents and sketch folders will be submitted using Dropbox (http://www.dropbox.com). Before your first assignment is due, you will receive an email invitation to join the Dropbox folder sharing service. To register with Dropbox, follow these instructions.

After the account is created, you may choose to download the Dropbox client program and install it on your computer if you are running Windows or Mac OS X, although this is not necessary. Do not use the Dropbox client program if you are running Linux (it does not work correctly and may corrupt your shared folders).

If you install Dropbox on your computer, a folder will be created named "My Dropbox," and in it will be a folder with your name that is shared. This is where you will copy your files and assignment folders for submission and grading. Make sure that Dropbox finishes copying all of your files.

If you do install the dropbox program, follow these instructions to upload your files:
  1. From the desktop dropbox icon: open the My Dropbox and then the folder with your name on it.
  2. Select and copy the folder you are submitting into this folder. Dropbox will automatically sync the new submission with the shared folder.
  3. Test your submission by running your sketch (double click on the sketch file within Dropbox to open it).  If it does not works for you, it will not work for us.
  4. Once you submit your files, do not touch them after the due date and time until you receive your grade.  This will ensure that the timestamp reflects the accurate submission time and your assignment is considered on-time.

If you do not install the Dropbox client program, you must upload files into the shared folder by performing the following:
  1. From any web browser, sign in to dropbox.com
  2. Choose the course folder with your name on it, and click the upload button.
  3. Select the file and/or folder you are submitting, and then click to start the upload.

One common mistake is to only submit your .pde file.  Be certain that your .pde file was submitted inside a folder of the same name, and that all necessary files (e.g., photos, fonts, etc.) needed to run the sketch were included within this folder. 

Look at your shared dropbox folder.  By the end of the course, it should contain seven directories (and ONLY those directories):  sketch01jsmith, sketch02jsmith, ...

Step 4:  Upload your sketch to OpenProcessing.org

In addition to submitting your assignment for grading, you are required to upload your assignment to the course showcase on Open Processing.  Open Processing is a website designed to share Processing sketches with people all around the world.  The course showcase is beneficial for two reasons: (1) you will be able to see the interesting things you peers are doing with Processing and (2) you can show off your own works of art!  The course exhibition is available at: http://www.openprocessing.org/classroom/1972

The first time you submit to OpenProcessing.org, you will need to make an account linked to our showcase page.  Follow the link above and select "sign up" to register yourself with OpenProcessing.

See our Detailed instructions for how to upload your sketch to OpenProcessing.org for more information.

Step 5:  Submit a hard copy of your assignment before the start of class

Print out a hard copy of your document (containing your paragraph and printed source code).  Staple the pages together.  Turn this document in before the start of class on the day it is due.

All submission must be made before the start of class on the day the assignment is due. It is entirely your responsibility to ensure that your work is placed in the assigned folder by the due date. Failure to do so will result in loss of credit for the assignment under the course late policy.