CS 110 Instructions for Submitting to OpenProcessing.org

First, you will need to register for an account on openprocessing.org.  Once you have an account and you are ready to submit your assignment to the course showcase you must login to your account and follow these steps:

Step 1.)  Click on the "my portfolio" link in the upper lefthand corner under the dashboard heading.  This will bring up your portfolio.

myportfolio link image

Step 2.)  Once you arrive at this page, you have two options for uploading your sketch.  The simplest option is to click on the "create new sketch" link on the right-hand side of the page:

my portfolio

Step 3.)  Once you have clicked on "create new sketch" you will have the opportunity to insert your Processing code into a webform so that it can be submitted to OpenProcessing.  Simply copy and paste your processing code from the Processing window into the text field (make sure to replace the code that is populated by default!)

upload sketch

Step 4.)  Once you have pasted your code into the window above, click save which will bring up a window that allows you to name your sketch and upload a thumbnail image that will be used to give others an idea of what your sketch looks like when they click on the course showcase.  We strongly encourage that you upload a thumbnail image along with your sketch.

upload sketch

Step 5.)  Once you have clicked save, the sketch will be added to your portfolio.  Next, click on the link to the course showcase: http://www.openprocessing.org/classroom/1972.  Then, click on the "select a sketch" link on the right-hand side of the page.

select a sketch

Step 6.)  Once you have clicked this link you will be able to click on the sketch you have just uploaded which will add it to the course showcase.

added to collection

Step 7.)  The final step is to drag your new sketch into the appropriate assignment sub-collection.  Simply click on the crosshairs at the lower right-hand corner of your sketch and drag it into the appropriate sub-collection.  Here is an example of what this will look like:

Congratulations!  You have now successfully uploaded your assignment to the course showcase.