Common issues in Lab 1

Figures, tables and code and appendices

This to avoid -- or at least worry about:

Other topics:
If you state a fact, it should be either: common knowledge, experimentally proven, or cited.
For instance "Python has a recursion depth of 1000". Is this common knowledge in the community to whom the paper is written? If yes, the do nothing. If no, then either back this statement up with an authoritative citation -- in this case the Python documentation would be appropriate -- or experimental evidence. For instance, experimental evidence might take the form of a sentence like "a test (data not shown) with 3 difference recursive functions all showed that the default max recursion depth for Python is close to 1000".
Why are your numbers not consistent. Can you adjust your experimental protocol to reduce variance? What are the sources of variance? In general, you should be doing everything you can think of to reduce variance. In the end, running on a Unix box rather than you laptop will help. Look for other sources before going there.
Magic numbers
In this lab several people reported that -10 was used to get worst case numbers. Why -10? If it could be -11 and -199 then do not report the exact number, instead say something like "A number known to not be in the data being searched". If it really is a magic number, then worry a lot about what makes it magical.