Bryn Mawr College
CS 311: Computational Geometry
Spring 2025


 Assignments/Projects  Syllabus  Links

General Information

A study of algorithms and mathematical theories that focus on solving geometric problems in computing, which arise naturally from a variety of disciplines such as Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Computer Vision, Robotics and Visualization. The materials covered sit at the intersection of pure mathematics and application-driven Computer Science and efforts will be made to accommodate Math majors and Computer Science majors of varying math/computational backgrounds. Topics include: graph theory, triangulation, convex hulls, geometric structures such as Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations, as well as curves and polyhedra surface topology.

Instructor: Dianna Xu , Park 203
E-Mail: dxu at brynmawr dot edu
Office hours: Tuesday 2:15pm-4pm




Supplementary Material Links

Links to Software Tools