defmodule Crawler do @moduledoc """ A very simple, multi-threaded web crawler. There are lots of things in this crawler that could have been done better, but it works. The basic idea is that there is a message center that has a complete list of the pages that have been crawled and are waiting to be crawled. The threaded crawlers ask the center for a URL, then retrieve the page and then send back to the message center all URLs that they find. They continue until the message center says to stop. Note that this crawler writes a lot of temporary files so it should really be the case that those files are written to a local disk and ideally that disk should be really fast (SSD). author: gtowell created: August 2022 Modified Dec 2022 """ @doc """ The maximum number of URLs to try to read. """ @maxreads 50 @doc """ Read a URL. The reader stores the body of the URL in a temporary file and returns the name of that file, or nil if the URL could not be read. """ def reader(urlstring) do :inets.start() :ssl.start() file_n = "./#{rstring(12)}" #IO.puts("#{urlstring} #{file_n}") case :httpc.request(:get, {urlstring, []}, [timeout: :timer.seconds(15)], [stream: to_charlist(file_n)]) do {:ok, :saved_to_file} -> file_n _ -> IO.puts "Problem with #{urlstring}" nil end end @doc """ Extract URLs from a read web page. This uses a VERY crude extraction approach based on string splitting rather than any attempt to really parse the HTML. Hence it is probably error error prone. """ def extractor(url, file_name) do uri=URI.parse(url) {:ok, txt} = String.split(txt, "href=\"") |> List.delete_at(0) |> v -> [h|_] = String.split(v, "\"", parts: 2 ) h end) |> v -> URI.merge(uri, URI.parse(v)) end) end @doc """ The crawler. Most of the work is done by the two methods reader and extractor. This method is a recursive loop. Each time through the loop it asks the message center for a URL, the calls reader and extractor and finally reports to the message center any URLs obtained by the extractor. """ def spider(message_center, id_no) do send(message_center, {:get, self() }) receive do {:uri, uristring} -> #IO.puts "uri #{uristring}" file_name = reader(uristring) if file_name != nil do uris = extractor(uristring, file_name) File.rm(file_name) #delete the temp file Enum.each(uris, fn uu -> send(message_center, {:put, uu}) end) end spider(message_center, id_no) {:retry, milli_seconds} -> IO.puts "wait #{id_no}" :timer.sleep(milli_seconds) spider(message_center, id_no) {:end} -> IO.puts("ENDDD #{id_no}") end end @doc """ Get the crawler going and wait for it to complete """ def mainThread do # start the message center {:ok, rcvr} = Task.start_link(Crawler, :loop, [%{}, [], 0]) # three starting URLs send(rcvr, {:put, URI.parse("")}) send(rcvr, {:put, URI.parse("")}) send(rcvr, {:put, URI.parse("")}) # start the reading threads and wait for them to end # Starts 2 threads for every core. For the web crawling task, this # is really conservative. max_concurrency = System.schedulers_online() * 2 threads =, fn sv -> Task.async(Crawler, :spider, [rcvr, sv]) end) Task.await_many(threads, :infinity) # print for final stats send(rcvr, {:print}) send(rcvr, {:end, self()}) receive do {:final, aa} -> IO.inspect "AAA" #Enum.each(aa, fn {k,v} -> IO.write "#{k} ---> " # IO.inspect v #end) IO.puts length(Map.keys(aa)) end end defp good_url(uu=%URI{}) do cond do -> false not String.contains?(, "") -> false uu.scheme == "mailto" -> false uu.scheme == "javascript" -> false String.length(uu.path) > 100 -> false true -> true end end defp good_url(_) do false end @doc """ The message center. This always receives message is the form of a tuple where the first thing in the tuple is an atom stating what the topic of the received message. The two main messages are :get in which the sender fo the message is asking for a URL and :put in which the sender of the message is saying here is a URL I found. The function is recursive. Every time a message is received, that message is handled and the function calls itself. """ def loop(waiting_retrieved_map, waiting_list, counter) do receive do {:print} -> # Show some info about the state of the crawl. IO.puts "Waiting #{length(waiting_list)}" IO.puts "Retrieved #{counter}" IO.puts "Seen #{length(Map.keys(waiting_retrieved_map))}" loop(waiting_retrieved_map, waiting_list, counter) {:end, caller} -> # kill the message center #IO.puts "Got END" send caller, {:final, waiting_retrieved_map} {:put, uri} -> # received a, possibly, new URL uristring = to_string(uri) v = Map.get(waiting_retrieved_map, uristring) # is this a new URL? if v==nil do # only crawl the domain if good_url(uri) do waiting_retrieved_map = Map.put(waiting_retrieved_map, uristring, 1) waiting_list = [uristring | waiting_list] loop(waiting_retrieved_map, waiting_list, counter) else loop(waiting_retrieved_map, waiting_list, counter) end else # not new, so increment the map value ot show that you have seen it waiting_retrieved_map = Map.put(waiting_retrieved_map, uristring, v+1) loop(waiting_retrieved_map, waiting_list, counter) end {:get, caller} -> #request for a URL to read #Only give out a URL if the max crawl is not exceeded. if counter<@maxreads do case waiting_list do [h|r] -> # the list of URLs to be called has at least one member waiting_list = r send caller, {:uri, h} waiting_retrieved_map = Map.put(waiting_retrieved_map, h, Map.get(waiting_retrieved_map,h)+1000) loop(waiting_retrieved_map, waiting_list, counter+1) _ -> # Nothing in the crawl queue. # Tell the requester to try again in a while send caller, {:retry, 2020} loop(waiting_retrieved_map, waiting_list, counter) end else # Max crawl has been reached. Shut down the requesting spider send caller, {:end} loop(waiting_retrieved_map, waiting_list, counter) end end end @doc """ Create a random string of the given length """ def rstring(len) do, fn _ -> Enum.random('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') end) |> to_string end end Crawler.mainThread()