CMSC 110 (Introduction to Computing)

Fall 2016

Extra Credit Assignment

Due by 12:55p on Tuesday, November 29 (DK)

Task: Design a text processing and visualization application. Your program should read a file of text, process it in some way (as text) and then use the results of processing to create a visualization about the text. Examples have been covered in class, lab, as well as presented in your textbook.


  1. The text should be substantial in size.
  2. Clearly identify the goal of the visualization.
  3. Visualization should be clear and self-explanatory.
  4. Any submission that takes text visualization examples from class/book/lab, but with different text is NOT acceptable.
  5. Please do not submit incomplete work. It will not be graded.

Extra Credit Explained: The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to explore and learn something over and above the scope of this course. While it represents extra work on your part, it is not required and is completely voluntary. All completed submissions will receive a grade. At the end of the semester, the best N-1 (6) grades out of the N (7) assignments will be counted towards your overall grade.

What to Hand in: Hand in the entire sketch folder in your Dropbox folder. Make sure to include:

  1. Your sketch code (the .pde file)
  2. A gif/jpg/png image of your finished sketch
  3. A write-up with your name, course and assignment number and a paragraph about the sketch, its inspiration, and how you designed and implemented it. Include a brief discussion about your experience working on this assignment.
Hand in a printout of all three class on the due date.