You should submit a write-up of your assignment
both in pdf form and in hardcopy. The pdf is due by
electronic submission before the due date and time. The
electronic submission timestamp is what counts for determining
whether your assignment was submitted on-time. You may
turn the hardcopy printout in up to three days later, but it
must be identical to the electronic submission. You will
also submit your code electronically.
To submit your assignment, place a copy of your write-up (pdf
preferred) and implementation into a directory called cs380hw3_lastname
(substituting in your last name), then tar and gz this
directory. Name the file cs380hw3_lastname.tar.gz.
Submit it to me by attaching it to an e-mail with the subject of
"CS380 Assignment 3 Lastname". Make sure you give me a
hard-copy of your write-up for the assignment.
1.) [14 points] Small World Networks
[This same question was deferred from the previous
assignment. If you already answered it on the previous
homework, please duplicate your answer here.]
a.) [6 pts] Which of the following graphs has the
highest clustering coefficient? (You don’t need to actually
compute it!) Justify your answer.

b.) [8 pts] We introduced two variants of the
Watts/Strogatz small world model (edge rewiring and edge
addition). Which model leads to the larger clustering
coefficient? The larger average path length? Justify your
2.) [20 points] Minimum Spanning Trees
a.) [5 pts] Using one of the algorithms discussed in
class, find a minimum spanning tree for the network below.
Describe the intuition behind that algorithm and give the MST.
b.) [10 pts] "If G is an arbitrary connected, undirected
graph with a non-negative weight on every edge, and e* is the
edge with the lowest weight in G, then there is a minimum
spanning tree T of G that contains the edge e*." Is this
statement true or false? Justify your answer.
c.) [5 pts] Does squaring the weights of a
non-negative weighted graph change the minimum spanning
tree? Why or why not?
3.) [16 points] Learning in Networks
Given the following network, construct a naive Bayes
classifier to predict the color of a vertex based on its degree
and unnormalized betweenness centrality. Discretize each of
these features into either two or three bins, as
appropriate. Start by specifying a table of the training
data for the classifier. Then, specify the naive Bayes
classifier by listing all prior and conditional probabilities
necessary for the model and their corresponding values.
(If you can derive some of the parameters from others, than
these parameters can be omitted.)
What color would the model predict for the uncolored node (?) in
the network? Show your computations!
4.) [50 points] Small World Networks
Write a small world network generator that supports both
Watts/Strogatz small world variants that we discussed in
class. Conduct a small scientific experiment of how the
network properties change as you vary the number of vertices N,
the probability p of either rewiring or adding edges, and the
number of nearest neighbors k for both small world model
variants. Show how the following change:
- average localized clustering coefficient
- average path length (for this one it will probably be
easiest to implement Floyd-Warshall)
- average degree centrality
- centralization
by plotting the ratio of their values for the small world
network vs the original lattice (e.g., C(p) / C(0) and l(p) /
l(0), as shown on the slides). Your answer should
include a number of 2D plots (3D is okay as well, if you'd
like a challenge) and a written explanation explaining the
results and comparing them for both small world model