Artificial Intelligence

Problem Set #2

Due:  February 16, 2012 by the start of class

Formatting and Submission Instructions

Your responses to these questions must be typed and submitted in hardcopy.  You must work alone on this assignment.

Be certain to include a statement of sources at the top of your assignment, listing all sources you consulted (websites, fellow students, etc.) while completing the assignment.  You do not need to list any course materials (textbooks, lecture notes, or the professor).

1.)  A* Search  (50 pts)

Complete Problem 3.23 from the textbook (you'll need to consult Figures 3.2 and 3.22).

2.)  Genetic Algorithms (50 pts)

Provide a single sentence description of each of these aspects of a genetic algorithm.
  1. The representation of an individual
  2. The fitness function
  3. Crossover operator
  4. Mutation operator
  5. Selection operator
Be sure to include technical details (only as much as you can in one sentence).  Brevity is appreciated.