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Like all assignments, you will complete this assignment via GitHub. See the submission instructions for how to get the starter code and how to submit this assignment.

A Huffman File Compressor and Decompressor

This assignment is to write huff and puff, a file compressor and decompressor, respectively.

From the user’s standpoint, running huff infile.txt outfile.huff at the command line reads in infile.txt and produces outfile.huff. The contents of infile.txt are compressed in outfile.huff, making the size of outfile.huff smaller than that of infile.txt. (This new file might not actually be smaller than the input, if the input is too short, due to the extra header in the huff file. See below.) One can then, for example, send outfile.huff over the internet, and it will transmit faster. To decompress, run puff outfile.huff puffed.txt, which reads in outfile.huff and creates puffed.txt, which should have the same exact contents as the original infile.txt.

These programs work by using Huffman compression. The Huffman compression scheme is explained in full in class. Here is a summary, with a view to writing huff:

typedef struct huff_tree_node {
  int ch;
  int freq;

  struct huff_tree_node* left;
  struct huff_tree_node* right;
} huff_tree_node;
  1. Calculate the frequencies of all the characters in the input file. For example, if the file contains abracadabra, you will calculate that there are 5 as, 2 bs, 1 c, 1 d, and 2 rs.

  2. For each character with a non-zero frequency, create a leaf huff_tree_node containing the character (in the ch field) and the frequency (in the freq field). These trees (each initially containing one node) are collectively known as the forest.

  3. Let x be the minimum tree in the forest and y be the next-minimum tree in the forest. (Comparing trees is done by the freq stored in the root, using ch to break ties.) Remove x and y from the forest. Create a new huff_tree_node (call it n), whose left child is x and whose right child is y. Choose a fresh negative number—that is, a negative number that hasn’t been used yet. A convenient way to do this is to count down from -1. Let n’s ch field be this negative number, and let n’s freq field be the sum of x’s freq and y’s freq. Put n into the forest.

  4. If the forest has more than one element, repeat step 3. Otherwise, we have arrived at the final Huffman tree.

  5. The Huffman tree tells you how to encode every character. To encode a character (all of which are stored in leaves of the tree), consider the path from the root to the leaf containing that character. For every left child traversed, add a 0 to the encoding. For every right child, add a 1. So, if the path from the root to the leaf containing r requires going left, then left, then right, the encoding for r is 001. Using this notion of encoding, build a Huffman table that allows you to look up a character and find its encoding.

  6. There are 256 possible characters. Write 256 ints to the output file; the nth int is the frequency for the nth character. In the case of abracadabra, int number 97 will have the value 5, whereas all ints before that will be 0.

  7. For each character in the input file, write its encoding in the output file as a sequence of bits. With r’s encoding above, this would mean writing three bits to the file. Do not use three bytes.

  8. We’re done. Close the files and free your memory.

As you can see from these instructions, a compressed file has a 1024-byte header: 256 4-byte ints describing the frequencies of all possible characters. This header can make a compressed file larger than the original, for small enough originals.

To decompress a file:

  1. Read in the table of character frequencies in the first 256 ints in the input file.

  2. Build the Huffman tree (as in steps 2-4 above).

  3. For every bit read in from the input file, traverse down the Huffman tree (going left for 0 bits and right for 1 bits). When you reach a leaf, there will be a character stored in the leaf node. Write this character to the output file.

  4. Repeat step 3 for every character in the input file (as determined by looking at the frequency of the root of the Huffman tree, which is necessarily the total number of characters in the input).

  5. We’re done. Close the files and free your memory.

You may test your huff and puff against my versions, available in /home/rae/pub/huff and /home/rae/pub/puff on powerpuff. So, if you’re sshd into powerpuff, you can say /home/rae/pub/huff test_file.txt test_file.huff and then /home/rae/pub/puff test_file.huff puffed.txt and puffed.txt should be the same as test_file.txt. Naturally, your huff and puff should work with mine.

Some hints:


Include in your submission a refl.txt. This file should contain reflections on this assignment (what was hard? what wasn’t so bad? how much time did it take?) as well as any general reflections you wish to share about the course.