Instructions to use OpenFrameworks at Bryn Mawr

On the Bryn Mawr systems, OpenFrameworks is installed in /opt/openFrameworks. To get started with developing a project to use OpenFrameworks:
  1. Copy the "graphicsExample" (or any other example) from the open frameworks installation using the following command:
        "cp -r /opt/openFrameworks/examples/graphics/graphicsExample ~/graphicsExample"
    You may change the destination directory as you would like to copy the example where you wish to work.
  2. cd into your copy of graphicsExample
  3. Edit the config.make file, changing the following line:
        "OF_ROOT = ../../.."
    to read
        "OF_ROOT = /opt/openFrameworks"
    if the change hasn't already been made.  Be sure to save your changes.
  4. Compile the program using make
  5. cd into the bin directory, where the compiled executable is stored
  6. Type "./graphicsExample" to execute the program
  7. Change the code in graphicsExample/src as you would like to implement your application, and rename the top level directory as appropriate.