Guidelines for Completing Assignments

Instructions for Submitting your Assignments Electronically

  1. Make a new directory for each assignment, named for the assignment followed by an underscore followed by your username (e.g., hw1_eeaton)Be sure to follow this pattern exactly.  
  2. Put all files for the assignment in this directory.  You may create subdirectories within this directory.
  3. Make certain that the directory contains a README (named exactly this way), as described above, that contains instructions for running your program.  The README file should be at the top level of this directory.
  4. Go above the directory containing all of the files for the assignment.  For example, if the directory containing all files has the path /home/eeaton/cs246/hw1/, you should be at /home/eeaton/cs246/. Remember the command pwd tells you the current working directory.
  5. Use the archiving command tar to create an archive of the directory and its files. Using the above example, type the command: 
    tar cvf hw1_eeaton.tar hw1_eeaton
    cvf are the arguments of tar, hw1_eeaton.tar is the name of the tarfile you are creating (it must have extension .tar and follow the same naming convention), and hw1_eeaton the name of the directory you are tarring.
  6. Once an archive is created, you can check what's in it with the command "tar tvf hw1_eeaton.tar". For more information on tar, use the man command.
  7. Make certain that your tar file follows the naming convention:  assignment name followed by an underscore followed by your username.
  8. When you are satisfied that the archive is complete, compress it using gzip. For example, gzip hw1_eeaton.tar
    will produce the file hw1_eeaton.tar.gz
  9. Attach the resulting gzip'ed file to an e-mail and send it to me.  Use the following subject (exactly, substituting in your name and the assignment name):  "CS246:  HW1 submission from Eric Eaton".