246 Homework 5: Red-Black
You MUST work
with one other person on this assignment.
Assignment Due: |
Monday, April 8,
Please read the homework guidelines before you
and unit-test a Red-Black tree object using
C++ templates.
Tree Implementation [65pts]
Your Red-Black tree should use proper
object-oriented design and be implemented as a
C++ templated class so that it can act as a container for any data type.
It should support all standard Red-Black tree
- insert -- adds the given element to the tree
- remove -- removes the given element from the tree
- find -- returns the
matching element in the tree, or a nullptr
- contains --
returns a boolean whether the tree contains the given element
- getHeight
-- returns the height of the tree
- findMin -- returns the min element of the tree
- findMax -- returns
the max element of the tree
- isEmpty -- returns a boolean
whether the tree is empty
- makeEmpty --
removes all elements from
the tree
- inOrderIterator
-- returns an interator
that performs an in-order traversal of the tree
- preOrderIterator -- returns an iterator
that performs a pre-order traversal of the tree
- postOrderIterator -- returns
an iterator that performs a post-order traversal
of the tree
Your implementation should not permit duplicate elements in the red-black tree.
Write two programs to test your red-black
- The first program, called
unit_test_rbtree, should run a
series of automated tests of the red-black tree,
outputting whether or not the red-black
tree passed or failed the tests based on the expected result. It should run
multiple tests of all operations of the red black tree, and test the
red-black tree
as a container for at least
two data types.
- The
second program, called manual_test_rbtree,
should be interactive and
support the following commands (one per line):
- "i <number>" -- inserts the given number into the red-black tree
- "r <number>" -- removes
the given number from the
red-black tree
- "c
<number>" -- returns whether or not the
red-black tree contained the given
- "e" -- makes the
red-black tree empty
- "h" -- prints the height of
the red-black tree
- "p" -- prints two
traversals of
the red-black tree on two
separate lines, first a pre-order
traversal and then an in-order
Neither of these test
programs should take in any command line arguments.
Write Up
In a separate brief write-up, discuss the
- Provide a high-level overview of
how you implemented the red-black tree
- Explain
any design choices you made
- What, if any, problems you encountered during your
- What
unit-tests you chose and why you
chose them
Final Program
one assignment for all partners,
following the assignment guidelines and
submission instructions.
Be sure to list all
partners' names in your README file.
Provide a working Makefile
for your assignment. The Makefile
should support four commands: make, make unit_test,
make manual_test, and make clean.
I must be able to:
- Uncompress your submission
- "cd" into the directory
- Type "make" and have your program compile itself.
- Type
"make unit_test" and have it output the results of the
unit test.
- Type "make
manual_test" and have it run the
manual test program.
Put all source code, the data files,
the README, your writeup, and
Makefile into a single .tar.gz file.
Additionally, each partner should also submit an
independent and private brief statement via e-mail to Eric that describes each
partner's contribution to the project. Use the
subject "CS246 HW5 Partner Work Distribution".