CS 151 - Introduction to Data Structures
Homework 4
Sorted Array Lists and Zip Code lookup
As usual, read the program design principles and code formatting
standards carefully. You are expected to adhere to all stated standards.
This project builds on that of last week. The difference is that last week you were a user of the List151 class, this week you will be a developer working to extend that class. All of your programming will be in the data structure underlying the user interface.
As you work on this assignment, keep in mind that only a small portion of your grade will be based on the user interface. So, only fix errors in the interface for Homework 3 if they are egregious.
The data file is the same as that used in Homework 3 (except that it contains more than 40000 entries rather than only about 10 in HW3.) Click here of a description of the data file.
The data for this assignment is available via scp from goldengate.cs.brynmawr.edu at
(If you are logged in on a lab machine, this file is freely available at that location as well.)
The file is also on the web at
Class design
Use the same classes: Place, LocatedPlace and PopulatedPlace as in Homework 3. If they worked in Homework 3 they should work again in Homework 4. Similarly your Main class-- which implements the user interface -- should be able to be reused with only minor changes. The biggest change to your existing code (in the main method) will be to replace the string "List151Impl" with "SortedArrayList".
Edit this file to change the two instance variables of this class (count and arra) from "private" to "protected" (if you have not already done so). Doing so is not strictly required, but it will certainly make things easier. Make NO other changes to the List151Impl.java file.
Create a new class named SortedArrayList that extends List151Impl. Do the following with SortedArrayList (Note that in this section where you see the word "change", what you will actually be doing is writing a new version of the "changed" method in SortedArrayList that overrides the method in List151Impl. ):
- Add a private method grow that increases the size of the array underlying the the data structure by a factor of 2. (The grow method was discussed in class.) In your grow method, include something to print an informative message every time growth occurs.
- Change the method add so that it uses the grow method appropriately. The add method should now never return false to indicate that there is no space to add a new item.
- Further change the method add so that items are added to the existing items in a fashion such that the items in the SortedArrayList are kept in sorted order. (You will need to use the compare method of the string class as described next.)
- Sorting should be based upon the string representation of the items being compared. For instance, you might have a code similar to the following
Place placeOne;
Place placeTwo;
// something to actually set values into placeOne and placeTwo
int compareResult = placeOne.toString().compareTo(placeTwo.toString());
You can read a lot about the compareTo method of String in the java documentation. The short version is that compareResult will have a value less than 0 if placeOne is lexicographically less than placeTwo; greater than 0 in the opposite case; and equal to 0 is the two strings are equal.
- You may need to adjust your toString methods to ensure that the zip code is printed first so that your sorted array list is sorted by zip code.
Add items to the underlying data structure in an "insertion sort" manner. That is, suppose that the existing data items are ["A", "D", "M", "T"], and you want to add "G". The first step would be to determine that the "G" should be inserted between "D" and "M". Alternately you could say that "G" should be inserted at position 2 (where "M" is). Then move "M" and "T" to make room and put in "G" in the now available position 2.
Taking this example and using the String compareTo method you might do something like the following:
compare A to G
"A".compareTo("G") is less than 0 so
go to the next thing in the array
compare D to G
"D".compareTo("G") is less than 0 so
go to the next thing in the array
compare M to G
"M".compareTo("G") is greater than 0 so
make a space for G
put G into the space just made
Importantly the contents of the instance of the SortedArrayList class should always be in sorted order each time the add method finishes.
Change the indexOf method of SortedArrayList to take advantage of the fact that the items are in sorted order as follows. Instead of starting at position 0 and searching forward to find the item requested, start in the middle of the list. Go forward or backward from there as appropriate. (Do not use binary search. If you do not know what binary search is, then you will not be tempted.)
Change the method add(index, item) so that always throws an exception. Give the exception some likely text. For instance "Allowing this function to work as a defined could break sorting order so its usage is being blocked".
- Initialize SortedArrayList to start with an underlying array of size 100. Your grow method will be called several times to make space.
- The only Data Structure you should use in this assignment is the SortedArrayList that you developed for this assignment. You may use
only one instance of SortedArrayList. (You may also use the string arrays returned by ReadSCV or the split method of the String class. But you should only uses those while inputting the data.)
- SortedArrayList must behave as described above.
- (Repeated from hw3) You must store data in classes you create. These classes should hold exactly as
much information as is
contained a row of the data file. You may use the class design suggested above for your classes.
- (Repeated from hw3) You MUST use inheritance in your class design.
- (Repeated from hw3) You may read the contents of shuffzips.csv at most once. (Be sure to use the homework 4 version of shuffzips.csv)
- (Repeated from hw3) After reading in the data, your program should support user interaction similar to
the following:
Enter a zip code to lookup (00000 to quit): 19380
19380 West Chester,PA Pop:43281 Lat:39.95 Lon:-75.60
Enter a zip code to lookup (00000 to quit): 07040
07040 Maplewood,NJ Pop:20973 Lat:40.73 Lon:-74.27
Enter a zip code to lookup (00000 to quit): 00614
00614 Arecibo,PR Lat: 18.45 Lon:-66.73
Enter a zip code to lookup (00000 to quit): 09848
09848 Apo,AE
Enter a zip code to lookup (00000 to quit): 88888
Not Found
Enter a zip code to lookup (00000 to quit): q
- (Repeated from hw3) All printing of information about a place should be done from toString. So, for
instance, in the above
interaction all of the printout of search results (other than "not found") should be done with a
single line which might look like
- (Repeated from hw3) Encapsulation. All classes should expose only that which other classes need. There
should be no public
instance variables
- (Repeated from hw3) Statics. Do not use any static variables or static methods.
- Use one of the methods discussed in lab 3 to collect the output of your program. The output
should show your program on at least the following zip codes:
- 19010
- 07040
- 09311
- 81288
- 16427
Electronic Submissions
Your program will be graded based on how it runs on the
department’s Linux server, not how it runs on your computer.
Be sure to include with your submission:
The usual plain text file README
2. Source files:
All .java files that are not part of the standard Java libraries, regardless of whether you wrote them
or simply used ones supplied with the assignment. (Your program should be able to run using only the Java files you submit.)
4. Output file
The requested output from you program (See that last requirement above.)
Data files that are read from the course website. ".class" files that result for compiling java code.
The following steps for submission assume that you created a project directory named
HW4 in the directory /home/YOU/CS151/ on the UNIX servers
- Make sure all of your code files and the requested output file are in that directory. (Use scp as needed to copy files from your local machine to that directory on UNIX)
- Similarly put the README file into the project directory on UNIX
- On a UNIX machine, go to the directory /home/YOU/CS151
- Enter /home/gtowell/bin/submit -c 151 -p 4 -d HW4
For a longer version of these instructions see the previous assignments.
Approximate Grading
Grades for this assignment will be assigned according the to the following rough percentages
- 45% -- Program follows requirements above. Most of this will be in the SortedArrayList class. Note that this includes the requested output file
- 20% -- Program compiles and runs
- 15% -- program follows style and design guidelines
- 10% -- Readme
- 10% -- Other