CMSC206 Data Structures
Fall 2016

Assignment 5
Due on Thursday, December 1, 2016

This assignment contains TWO parts. Please read carefully before starting on the assignment.

Part #1: Write a Java prigram that uses the Binary Search Tree data type from class (provided here: BinaryTree, BST) to do the following:

A. Use the add() method to add the following strings to the BST:

  1. Cambridge
  2. Crapo
  3. Your birth place
  4. Bryn Mawr
  5. Boring
  6. Hell
  7. Walla Walla
  8. Surprise
  9. Joseph
  10. Romance
  11. Mars
  12. Nuttsville
  13. Rough and Ready
  14. Dynamite
  15. Good Grief

After adding the above, do a preorder, postorder, and inorder traversal (printing out each node as you visit). Also print out the number of entries in the tree, and its height. You will need to define the three methods: preOrder(), postOrder(), and inOrder() in the binary tree class and then use them.

B. Clear the tree, and print out the number of items and its height. Then add the above towns in ascending order. Print out the resulting tree's size, and height, and also the results of all three tree traversals.

Hand in a complete prinout of your program (you do not have to print out the code/classes already provided) along with the output.

Part#2: Redo Assignment#4 to use 1 entry per town (with a list of all zip codes) and entries stored in a Binary Search Tree (as implemented in the text or Part#1) using the string TOWN+STATE as the ordering relation.

For demonstrating the correctness of your program, include a printout that shows the output from following queries:

  1. Cambridge, MA
  2. Crapo, MD
  3. Your birth place (if in the US)
  4. Bryn Mawr, PA
  5. Boring, OR
  6. Hell, MI
  7. Walla Walla, WA
  8. Surprise, NY
  9. Joe, Montana
  10. Romance, Arkansas
  11. Mars, PA
  12. Nuttsville, VA
  13. Rough and Ready, PA
  14. Dynamite, WA
  15. Good Grief, Idaho

Additionally, after reading in the input file, your program should print the height of the resulting tree.

The objective here is to compare the performance of your program from Assignment#4. As before, once you have completed the program, extend it to count the number of comparisons needed to answer a query. Then, for the input data above, compute the average number of comparions needed to answer a query, the average number of comparisions needed to answer a successful query, the average number of comparisons needed to answer an unsuccessful query. Hand the main program, and sample output(s) showing the correctness of your implementations. Also print out the height of the resulting tree and its size, after reading in the input (just once).

Perform a comparison of the average number of comparisons from Assignment#4 and from this one. Write a short analysis based on your results.

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