CMSC 110 (Introduction to Computing)

Spring 2016

Assignment #7

Part 1:  Due by 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 24, 2016
Part 2:  Due by 5pm on Friday, April 29, 2016

These are FIRM deadlines.

Task:  Identify a dataset of interest to you and develop a narrative visualization using the process outlined below. Follow the steps of acquiring, cleaning, filtering, mining, representation, and (optionally) interaction to create a visual sketch of the data.

Part#1: Identify the dataset. Acquire it, clean it, and load it into Processing.

Part#2: Develop the narrative visualization.


  1. Acquire the data set as one or more files.
  2. Clean up the data file so that it is readable by a computer program.
  3. Filter the data down to the portion that interests you.
  4. Mine the data set for interesting properties.
  5. Select a visual representation that best illustrates your data set and implement it.
  6. Refine your visualization.
  7. Extra Credit: Make your visualization interactive and/or animated.

Websites for data sets and data source lists:


  1. Data items should be modeled with custom classes
  2. Final visualization must represent the dataset in some meaningful way that brings insights
  3. Code includes proper header and adequate comments - comment your class fields, methods and method parameters!
  4. Drawing must scale properly regardless of the size of the sketch.
  5. Sign your work.

Extra Credit (up to 20 points):

  1. The visualization should be interactive and/or animated
  2. The interaction/animation should help to tell the story you are telling with your visualization.

What to produce:

For Part#1: (By 11:59pm April 24)

  1. The program folder - this should contain the results of the beginning steps (1-4) of your visualization project. It should include
  2. A write-up with your name, course and assignment number and a brief description of the dataset, its relevance, and how you plan to visualize it. In addition, include a discussion on what type of clean-up and processing you performed in order to prepare it for visualization. Include a brief discussion about your experience working on this assignment as well. It should be a separate document and left in the sketch folder.

What to hand in:

  1. Submit an electronic copy of the entire sketch folder (including any images that you may have used), and the writeup via Dropbox shared folder as usual. Note that no hard-copy submission is required at this time, and no screenshots.

What to produce:

For Part#2: (By 5pm April 29)

  1. Make sure to name your final sketch file/folder properly so that it doesn't over write the Part#1 submission.
  2. The final program should include the standard header. In addition, if you do the extra credit, write a paragraph/description that contain instructions on how to use the interactive component(s)and include it in the header of the main source code file for your sketch.
  3. A write-up with your name, course and assignment number and a paragraph about the sketch, its inspiration, and how you designed and implemented it. In addition, describe the data set, its relevance and your visualization, including what you set out to achieve, how and why you chose the visual representation you did, etc in detail in your write-up.
  4. A gif/jpg/png image of your sketch. Place in the sketch folder

What to hand in:

  1. Submit a hard copy of 2, 3 and 4. This hard copy can be handed in to Tina Fasbinder in Park 357 (Tina leaves at 4:30pm), or to the plastic bin outside of my office door, if you feel comfortable leaving it there until Monday morning.
  2. Submit an electronic copy of the entire sketch folder (including any images that you may have used), the screenshot and the writeup via Dropbox shared folder as usual.
