CMSC 110 (Introduction to Computing)

Spring 2016

Assignment #6

Due by 11:40 am on Monday April 18, 2016

Task: Write a Processing program that generates a collage of images.

The collage should be created by applying image processing techniques to draw modified copies of the same image (or the same set of images) at multiple locations on your sketch window. At least four distinct modifications of the source image(s) should be used to create your collage.

For example, you may load your source image four times into separate PImage objects and then modify the colors of one to create distinct appearance, i.e. creating Warhol-esque variations, or draw each pixel (or pixel block) with another representation of a certain size with colors from the original image (Image Visualization). Each modified PImage can then be drawn multiple times on your sketch at various locations, rotations and sizes to form your collage.

Step 1: Create at least 4 processed images (as PImage) from the original, using distinct image processing techniques.  Example PImage modifications include:

You are highly encouraged to checkout the tutorials on Image Processing on, which can be found there:


  1. All modifications must be performed on the individual pixels of the original PImage.
  2. You may not use existing Processing image processing functions like filter(), tint(), and blend().
  3. Among the required 4 images to create, you must implement at least one technique from "Image visualization" and one from "Area-based filters". Any one that fits the category will do, it does not have to be one that is listed.
  4. The other two (or more) can be your choice, but you are only allowed a simple filter once.

Step 2: Create a collage from the set of processed images you generated in step 1.

What to produce:

  1. The program
  2. A write-up with your name, course and assignment number and a paragraph about the sketch, its inspiration, and how you designed and implemented it. Include a brief discussion about your experience working on this assignment. It should be a separate document and left in the sketch folder.
  3. A gif/jpg/png image of your sketch. Place in the sketch folder.

What to hand in: