CS 110 (Introduction to Computing)

Spring 2016 - Section 02

Assignment #1

Due by 11:40 AM on Monday, February 1, 2016

Design and create your own sketch using the Processing language/environment. Think of yourself as a creative designer when choosing the topic of your design. This is your very first program, so here are some guidelines:


Refer to the Assignment Grading Policy for more details.

What to produce:

  1. The program
  2. A write-up with your name, course and assignment number and a paragraph about the sketch, its inspiration, and how you designed and implemented it. Include a brief discussion about your experience working on this assignment.
  3. A gif/jpg/png image of your finished sketch (use the save() function).

What to Hand in:

  1. Submit a hard copy of 1, 2 and 3. This hard copy is due at the start of class on the due date.
  2. Submit an electronic copy including the entire sketch folder, the screenshot and the writeup. The electronic copy must be submitted through the shared DropBox folder which you will be invited to by the instructors. (By Friday of the first week of classes you will receive an e-mail invitation from the instructor to join the dropbox.com folder sharing service. Follow the instructions given in the assignment submission instructions for joining Dropbox.)

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