CMSC110 (Introduction to Computing)

Spring 2015


Due before start of class on Thursday, February 12, 2014

Task: Design an drawable object. This could be whatever you feel like drawing. To draw your object, you should use the following function:

void drawMyObject(float x, float y, float w, float h) {

Insert the name of your object in place of "MyObject" in the fuction name. Write a program that interactively draws several versions of the object in a 500 x 500 sketch. Different versions of the object should appear at different positions and have different sizes. You may use the random number function to generate x, y, w and h values. You can also vary the coloring of the object each time it is drawn. Your sketch should use some interactivity (using the mouse) in some way (you can design whatever interactivity you desire).

In your overall sketch pay special attention to the aesthetic aspects of your design as well as interactivity. Be sure to use the programming features you have learned in the last week or two.

What to Hand in:

  1. In your shared DropBox folder, create a folder named "A2". Submit an electronic copy of the description, the source code and the picture of your sketch into the folder A2. You MUST have your name shown as your signature on your sketch. Your source code MUST be runnable with the "pde" extension.
  2. A formatted write-up with Page#1 showing your sketch, followed by a title, your name, a short 1-2 line description (as discussed in class) on page#1, and a short 1-2 paragraph more detailed description of the sketch and your personal experiences working on this sketch, and the source code for your sketch. This hard copy is due at the start of class on the due date.

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