// Example1 // Rotating ellipse and words float angle = 0.0; void setup() { size(500,500); smooth(); } void draw() { background(255); // Translate to the center of the sketch, // scale by 2, and rotate translate(250,250); scale(2); rotate(angle); drawTest(); // Increment global angle angle = angle - (PI/180.0); } void drawTest() { // Draw a rotated ellipse fill(255,200,200); ellipse(0,0,100,50); // Draw several words around a circle float textAngle = TWO_PI/6.0; fill(0); text("Hey!", 60, 0); rotate(textAngle); text("I", 60, 0); rotate(textAngle); text("love", 60, 0); rotate(textAngle); text("it!", 60, 0); rotate(textAngle); text("Very", 60, 0); rotate(textAngle); text("fun!", 60, 0); rotate(textAngle); }