CMSC 110 (Introduction to Computing)
Spring 2012
Assignment #7
Part 1: Due by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Part 2: Due by 5:00 pm on Friday, April 27, 2012
These are FIRM deadlines.
Task: Identify a dataset of interest to you and develop an
interactive visualization using the process outlined below. Follow the
steps of acquiring, cleaning, filtering, mining, representation, and interaction
to create a visual sketch of the data.
Part#1: Identify the
dataset. Acquire it, clean it, and load it into Processing.
Part#2: Develop the
interactive visualization.
- Acquire the data set as one or more files.
- Data sources are plentiful: web sites, technical articles, or collect your own
data. Find something that interests you.
- Make sure the data set is not too small, that is, make sure it has some statistical significance.
- Clean up the data file so that it is readable by a computer program.
- This may mean replacing comments with special numeric codes, inserting/removing data
value delimiters, etc.
- Filter the data down to the portion that interests you.
- Remove unwanted columns, headers, footers, etc.
- Mine the data set for interesting properties.
- Find the aspect(s) of your data set that you want to highlight using your
- Apply any statistical methods or numerical analysis that are appropriate.
- Select a visual representation that best illustrates your data set and
implement it.
- Draw from all the graphical techniques that you have learned this semester.
- Refine your visualization.
- Modify your program until it communicates your message at a glance.
- Make your visualization interactive and/or animated.
- Examples include a popup that shows extra information when hovering over an
object, animated objects that change shape, size or color to represent data in a
time time series, etc.
What to Hand in:
For Part#1: (By 4:00 pm
April 17)
Copy the beginnings of your visualization to Dropbox.
This should include your data set after it has been cleaned, and a Processing
program that loads the data into appropriate data structures, but does not visualize it yet. Write a brief
description of the domain of the dataset, its relevance, and what a
visualization of it will illustrate. Include this description as comments at the top
of your source code file.
For Part#2: (By
5:00 pm April 27)
Copy the entire sketch folder to your Dropbox folder.
Make sure to name the sketch file/folder properly so that it doesn't overwrite the Part#1 submission. Include the standard header in your source code. Write a paragraph/description and include it in the header of the main source
code file for your sketch. This paragraph must include instructions on how to use the interactive component(s).
In addition, hand in the following:
- a screen shot of your finished sketch.
- A formatted write-up with Page#1 showing your sketch, followed by a title, your name, a short summary of your project, and a short 2-3 paragraph more detailed description of the sketch, including what you set out to achieve, how and why you chose the visual representation you did, and your personal experiences working on this sketch. Word or plain text (.txt) are both acceptable.
- Keep it simple at first. Start with something basic, get it
working, and then build upon it piece by piece, each time ensuring it
is working before you move on to the next piece.