CMSC 110 (Introduction to Computing)

Spring 2011


Due before start of class on Thursday, April 12, 2011
Due before start of class on Thursday, April 14, 2011

  Design and implement an animated pseudo three-dimensional scene.  Create a sense of depth by reducing the size and linear velocity of objects that are farther away from the viewer.

Encapsulate all graphic objects in a custom class of your own design with a method that draws the object on the sketch.  The drawing functions in your object's draw method must render your object at a fixed location. Do not move or size your object by changing the parameter values of your object's drawing functions. All object animation must be generated by scaling, translating, and rotating the coordinate system prior to drawing each object.

Your sketch must include examples of all three transformations: scale, translate, and rotate.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

What to Hand in:
