CMSC 110 (Introduction to Computing)

Spring 2011


Due before start of class on Tuesday, January 25, 2010

First, read Chapters 1-3 from Shiffman's text.

Task#1: Design and create your own sketch using Processing. Think of yourself as a creative designer when chosing the topic of your design. This is your very first sketch, so here are some guidelines:

To give you some ideas, several sketches will be presented in class. Here are some additional ideas:

Make sure to follow the Code Formatting Standards in your implementation.

Task#2: By Friday of the first week of classes you will receive an e-mail invitation from the instructor to join the folder sharing service. Follow the instructions given in the assignment submission instructions for joining Dropbox.

What to Hand in: Write a paragraph about the sketch, its inspiration, and how you designed and implemented it. Write a short paragraph about your impressions on working on this assignment. Include a printout of the sketch in your document. Hand in a printed copy of this handout in class. Additionally, submit all work electronically using Dropbox as described in the assignment submission instructions.