Today our goal is to get acquainted with the Processing programming environment. In doing so you will also learn about the basic coordinate system, and how to draw simple shapes.

First, open the link below in a new browser window:

Processing Tutorial: Getting Started

Work through the tutorial. You do not need to install Processing (this is something you can do later on your own computer). Work through the two short examples (drawing a circle, and then making the interactive, mouse-following circles), and read the entire tutorial.

Next, go to the following tutorial:

Processing Tutorial: Coordinate System & Shapes

Work through the entire tutorial.

After completing the two tutorials above, see if you can write a sketch to draw the following:

Once you are done, answer all the questions in Self-Assessment for Lab#1. As the name “self-assessment” implies, these are solely for your own use. You can check your own answers or use the sheet to inspire questions at the next class/lab meeting.