CMSC 110 (Introduction to Computing)

Fall 2015

Assignment #6

Part A: Due before start of class on Monday, Nov 16, 2015

Part B: Due before start of class on Monday, Nov 23, 2015

Task: Design an underwater creature that will live in a class aquarium.

The creature should be designed so that it can be instantiated as an object. You should be able to create instances of the creature with varying sizes through a single float argument passed into the constructor. The location of the object should vary each time the constructor is called. In addition to the constructor, make sure that the class implements all of the methods of the AnimatedObject Interface (shown in Part A, Step 1).

Make sure to name the class as <FirstLastName>Creature. For example, my creature will be defined in a class called DavidCooperCreature. Your class's constructor should take a single float argument that is approximately the creature's size. The value of this argument should be roughly the diameter of a circle that encompasses your creature. In addition to the constructor, make sure that the class includes one method called display(), and one called move() so that one can incorporate your creature into a sketch with other creatures.

Part A (3 steps!)

Part B

What to include in your class file:

What to hand in: