// The basic ball class... 
class ball {
 // Attributes
   float radius; // size
   float x, y; // location
   color ballColor;
   float dx = 1;
   float dy;
   float speed = 5.0;
   float gravity = 0.1;
   float dampen = -0.9;
 // Constructor(s)
   ball() {
   radius = 25;
   x = random(width);
   y = random(height);
   ballColor = color(59, 90, 255);
   //dx = random(-3, 3);
   dy = random(-3, 3);
   } // ball()
 ball(float r, color c) {
   radius = r;
   x = random(width);
   y = random(height);
   ballColor = c;
   //dx = random(-3, 3);
   dy = random(-3, 3);
   } // ball()
 ball(float _x, float _y, float _r, color _c) {
   x = _x;
   y = _y;
   radius = _r;
   ballColor = _c;
   dy = random(-3, 3);
   } // ball()
   // Behaviors
   void display() {
 // display the ball object
   ellipse(x, y, 2*radius, 2*radius);
   } // display()
 // move the ball
   void move() {
   x += dx;
   y += speed;
   speed = speed + gravity;
 bounce(); // check bounces
   } // move()
 void bounce() {
   if (x < radius) {
   x = radius;
   dx = -dx;
 if (x > width-radius) {
   x = width-radius;
   dx = -dx;
 if (y < radius) {
   y = radius;
   dy = -dy;
 if (y > height - radius) {
   y = height-radius;
   dy = -dy;
   speed = speed*dampen;
   } // bounce()
   } // class ball