 Copyright (c) 2013, Friends of Ed (An Apress Company)
 All rights reserved. 
The code provided here accompanies the book:
Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2
   By Ira Greenberg, Dianna Xu, and Deepak Kumar
   Friends of Ed (An APress Company), 2013
   ISBN-13 978-1430244646
   Please refer to the associated README for a full disclaimer.
// Sketch 7-11: Word Cloud Visualization
   // The WordTile class
   class WordTile extends Word {
   // A graphical tile conatining a word and additional attributes
   PVector location; // The top left corner of the tile (x, y)
   float tileW, tileH; // width and height of the tile
   color tileColor; // fill color of word
   float tileFS = 24; // the font size of tile, default is 24
 WordTile(String newWord) { // Constructor
   location = new PVector(0, 0);
   tileColor = color(0);
   } // WordTile()
 void setXY (float x, float y) {
   location.x = x;
   location.y = y;
   } // setXY()
 void setColor(color c) {
   tileColor = c;
   void setFontSize() {
   tileFS = map(freq, 1, 20, 10, 120);
   } // setFontSize()
 void setSize() {
   tileW = textWidth(word);
   tileH = textAscent();
   } // setTileSize()
 boolean intersect(WordTile t2) {
   float left1 = location.x; // the first tile’s bounding box
   float right1 = location.x+tileW;
   float top1 = location.y-tileH;
   float bot1 = location.y;
   float left2 = t2.location.x; // the second tile’s bounding box
   float right2 = left2+t2.tileW;
   float bot2 = t2.location.y;
   float top2 = bot2-t2.tileH;
   return !(right1 < left2 || left1 > right2 || bot1 < top2 || top1 > bot2); // testing intersection
   } // intersect()
 void display() {
   text(word, location.x, location.y);
   } // display()
   } // class WordTile