/*------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2013, Friends of Ed (An Apress Company) All rights reserved.
The code provided here accompanies the book:
Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2 By Ira Greenberg, Dianna Xu, and Deepak Kumar Friends of Ed (An APress Company), 2013 ISBN-13 978-1430244646 Please refer to the associated README for a full disclaimer. ------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Sketch 7-11: Word Cloud Visualization //import processing.opengl.*; String inputTextFile = "DrKingSpeech.txt"; WordFreq table; PFont tnr; // The font to be used int N = 150; // The number of words to be displayed
void setup() { // Input and parse text file String [] fileContents = loadStrings(inputTextFile); String rawText = join(fileContents, " "); rawText = rawText.toLowerCase(); String [] tokens; String delimiters = " ,./?<>;:'\"[{]}\\|=+-_()*&^%$#@!~"; tokens = splitTokens(rawText, delimiters); println(tokens.length+" tokens found in file: "+inputTextFile); // display stuff size(800, 800); tnr = createFont("Times New Roman", 120); textFont(tnr); textSize(24); //noLoop(); // Create the word frequency table table = new WordFreq(tokens); println("Max frequency:"+table.maxFreq()); table.arrange(N); } // setup()
void draw() { background(255); table.display(N); table.tabulate(N); } // draw()
// Bonus: The start of building interaction... void mouseClicked() { table.interact(mouseX, mouseY); } // mouseClicked()