Deepak Kumar's SIGCSE2010 Panel/Exibhit Materials

  1. The panel presentation (5-min slide show): DKumar.pptx (~16M)
  2. Images from talk and for exibhit:
    1. Obamicons: Before (MonaLisabefore.gif), After (MonaLisaAfter.gif)
    2. Abstract Art: Before (WolfSketchBefore.gif), After (WolfSketchAfter.gif)
    3. Exploring Pyramids: Pyramid1.jpg, Pyramid2.jpg, Pyramid3.png
    4. Visualizing Data: RedBlueStates.png
    5. Processing Hello World Example: chalkboard.png
  3. Videos & Music
    1. Video: Scribbler Creating Abstract Art (Runtime: 04min 12secs): AbstractArt.wmv
    2. Video: Scribbler Exploring a Pyramid (Runtime: 01min 12 secs): The Pyramid.wmv
    3. Audio: Chuck Music Composition (Runtime: 01min 19secs): ChuckComposition.mp3