CS380: Androids: Design and Practice, Bryn Mawr College

Douglas Blank
Fall 2011

General Information

Douglas Blank, 248 Park Science Building, 526-6501
Email: dblank (at) cs (dot) brynmawr (dot) edu
Web: cs.brynmawr.edu/~dblank
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday 10am - 11am, and by appointment.
Lectures: Tues, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Lab: Park Science Building, room 232
Gradebook: Moodle Gradebook


This course will focus on all levels of humanoid robot control, from low-level image processing, to high-level team strategies. We will use the Luar system. Luar stands for Lua Universal Architecture for humanoid Robotics.


Programming in Lua, second edition.


We will use the program Calico Lua, a freely available language. We will also use Lua, the Kinect SDK, and a variety of open source software. These are all available on the Computer Science computers. You can also install Calico Python and these modules on your own computer.


Week 1: Aug 30
Overview of Course; Introduction to Lua
Lab #1 Lua
Week 2: Sep 6
Luar Architecture, Finite State Machines Lab #2: Lua FSM machines, Kinect, and Robocup Soccer
Week 3: Sep 13
Kinect SDK, Vision Lab #3: Luar, Robocup Soccer, and Webots
Week 4: Sep 20
Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics Lab #4
Week 5: Sep 27
Learning, and Evolutionary Algorithms Lab #5
Week 6: Oct 4
C, Make, YUV, and ZMP Lab #6: Demonstrate a Visualization, in teams
Week 7: Oct 11
No classes Fall Break!
Week 8: Oct 18
Visualizations Demonstrate your Visualization
Week 9: Oct 25
C/C++ libraries, compiling Lab #8
Week 10: Nov 1
Presentations of Human-controlled Controllers, Git Lab #9
Week 11: Nov 8
Project Proposals Grace Hopper Celebration
Week 12: Nov 15
Present proposals, Low level Vision
Work on Project
Week 13: Nov 22
Walking Work on Project
Week 14: Nov 29
Projects Work on Project
Week 15: Dec 6
Projects Project Presentations

Other dates of interest:


Mini Projects: 50%
Final Project: 50%


  1. Luar-Users Mailing List
  2. UPennalizers: RoboCup Standard platform League