With all assignments, please hand in (1) a document and (2) a sketch folder containing your source code.
The document should include the following.
Print out and hand in a document that includes all three items above before class begins on the date the assignment is due. Additionally, place the document and your sketch folder containing all source code files in your Dropbox folder (see below). It is entirely your responsibility to ensure that your work is placed in the assigned folder by the due date. Failure to do so will result in loss of credit for the assignment under the course late policy.
Source Code Header Comments
Please add the following lines to the top of your source code files, with the appropriate assignment number, name, email address and date of submission.
* Assignment ##
* Name: your name
* E-mail: your school e-mail
* Course: CS 110 - Section ##
* Submitted: The date your submitted the assignment
* A description of the file contents.
File and Folder Names
Please choose a name for all files and sketch folders that starts with the word sketch followed by a two digit assignment number and your email id. For example, if my email address is jsmith and I am submitting one Word file and one Processing sketch folder as part of my first assignment, I would name the file sketch01jsmith.docx and name the sketch sketch01jsmith.
Submitting files using Dropbox
All assignment documents and sketch folders will be submitted using Dropbox (http://www.dropbox.com). Before your first assignment is due, you will receive an email invitation to join the Dropbox folder sharing service. To register with Dropbox, follow these instructions.
All submission must be made before the start of class on the day the assignment is due. It is entirely your responsibility to ensure that your work is placed in the assigned folder by the due date. Failure to do so will result in loss of credit for the assignment under the course late policy.